Demystifying Variables: Your Guide to Data Storage in ProgrammingWelcome to the world of programming, where variables play a vital role in data storage and manipulation. In this beginner-friendly guide…May 25, 2023May 25, 2023
What is an API?API stands for “Application Programming Interface.” It is a set of rules that allow different software systems to communicate with each…Dec 28, 2022Dec 28, 2022
Markdown: Simple IntroductionMarkdown is a simple formatting system that you can use to write, edit, and share content. In this guide, we’ll go over the basics of using…Nov 19, 2022Nov 19, 2022
Introducing Git & GitHub: A Friendly Guide For NewbiesIf you’re like me, you probably heard of Git and GitHub long before you knew what they were actually for. Sure, I knew they were some sort…Oct 12, 2022Oct 12, 2022